APPAREL  /  Branding


Being cozy is not a hobby. It's a lifestyle.


Channeling Camp High’s laid-back aesthetic, the release sees sweatpants along with a hoodie, all emblazoned with Coca-Cola’s classic logo. On top of the large red and white logo, scribbles, formulas and dates playfully tell of Coke’s history. The front of the hoodie is finished with a large text graphic that reads “SHOW UP CAMP HIGH.”


New Luxury has become an 800-pound gorilla, in the sense that it sits where it wants and wears what it wants. That’s kind of the vibe that informs Camp High, a nascent label by industry veterans Greg Dacyshyn. Dacyshyn spent the majority of his career as the chief creative officer at Burton during the snowboard boom of the mid-ʼ90s, a path that led him to rub shoulders with the likes of Supreme founder James Jebbia, Stüssy creative head Paul Mittleman, and Japanese streetwear plug Hiroshi Fujiwara.